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Conjuring Change – The Rise Of The Unconventional Warrior In The Corporate Battlefield

Written by: Cherie Dorotich, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Cherie Dorotich

Gone are the days when the corporate world echoed with the monotonous drum of conformity. It's time we talk about something gutsy, something that's been brewing beneath the surface, ready to erupt. It's about the rise of the unconventional warrior on the corporate battlefield – a narrative that's not just a fanciful myth but a living, breathing revolution.

Business woman holding tablet in leadership concept

Let’s cut to the chase: the corporate rulebook is antiquated, and frankly, it's getting on everyone's nerves. It's a relic of a bygone era, dominated by an old-white-guy ideology that has done more to stifle than to spark genuine innovation and leadership. Enter the unapologetic warrior women leaders – the vanguard of a new era in corporate leadership.


Enter the unapologetic warrior women leaders


These aren't your typical leaders. They don’t just walk the walk; they strut it with a blend of grace and grit that's as refreshing as it is radical. These women are redefining what it means to lead, not by climbing over each other in a ruthless game of corporate snakes and ladders, but by conjuring up a ripple effect of positive change, rooted in collaboration and mutual respect.


The power of feminine energy in the boardroom is a game-changer. It’s about time we recognise that leadership isn’t a one-size-fits-all model. The conventional, emotionless approach to leadership is not just boring; it's ineffective. Women in leadership roles bring a unique perspective, one that’s grounded in empathy, resilience, and a keen sense of self-awareness.

It’s a concoction of qualities that traditional leadership training sessions are sorely lacking.


This movement is not about creating a utopia where everyone always agrees. It's about crafting a corporate ecosystem where diverse voices are not just heard but valued. Where women don't have to sacrifice their felt-knowing to be part of the team. It's about shattering the glass ceiling with a sledgehammer of conscious leadership and creating a space where being a warrior and a woman is not just accepted but celebrated.


What does it mean to be a woman and a changemaker in today's corporate world? It means having the guts to challenge the status quo, disrupt the corporate cesspool with ruthless righteousness, and lead with a commitment to growth and transformation. It's about being a rebel with a cause, a catalyst for a revolution against isolation and superficial connections.


In this new paradigm, safety is not about playing it safe. It's the catalyst for daring and conscious leadership. It’s about shedding the armor, being real, raw, honest, and embracing the chaos of personal and professional growth. It's about not just surviving in a cutthroat corporate world but thriving, flourishing, and planting the seeds for a legacy of grace, resilience, and badassery.

The rise of the unconventional warrior in the corporate battlefield is more than a trend; it's a movement. A movement of committed warriorship, where competition gives way to community, where the old rules are rewritten, not with a pen but with a spirit of collaboration and mutual empowerment. It's a revolution, and it's happening now.


Fostering a ripple of change: Championing women in the new era of leadership


Amid this seismic shift in the corporate landscape, there's a critical role that women leaders must play: championing other women. It's not just about breaking the mold; it's about crafting a new one where women are not just participants but pioneers of a leadership revolution. This is where the real ripple effect begins – not just in achieving individual success, but in elevating each other to redefine and own our narratives.


First, let's talk about creating spaces of integrity. It’s high time we ditch the old playbook of cut-throat competition and craft sanctuaries of support and growth. This means inviting fellow women into environments where honesty isn't just a policy, but the very foundation of how we operate. In these spaces, we don't just share strategies for navigating the corporate maze; we delve deep into our experiences, sharing not only our triumphs but our trials and tribulations. It's in these raw, unfiltered exchanges that we find the strength to rise together.


How do we proactively elevate each other? It starts with recognising that every woman has a unique story, a distinct voice that needs to be heard. When we spot potential in a fellow female colleague, it's not enough to simply acknowledge it; we need to actively nurture it. This could mean offering mentorship, providing opportunities to lead, or simply giving a platform to voice her ideas and opinions. It's about being the wind beneath each other's wings, propelling one another to heights that might seem daunting to reach alone.


Defining our own narrative is another crucial piece of this puzzle. For too long, women in corporate roles have been squeezed into pre-defined molds, pressured to conform to a narrative that doesn’t resonate with their true selves. It's time to flip the script. We need to encourage each other to write our own stories, rooted in our authentic selves, not in what the corporate world expects us to be. This means having the courage to showcase our unique leadership styles, even if they go against the grain of traditional norms.


We must embody courage


Protection from the 'old way' is not about building walls but about building resilience and awareness. We need to arm each other with the knowledge and the tools to navigate the corporate terrain without losing our essence. This involves candid conversations about the challenges we face, including gender biases and systemic barriers, and collectively strategising on how to overcome them. It’s about building a support network that’s so robust, so deeply rooted in mutual respect and understanding, that the antiquated norms of the corporate world can’t shake it.

Compounding the movement of the 'new way' for women in leadership means amplifying each other's successes and learning from each other's failures. Every time a woman leader makes a breakthrough, it opens a door for many more to follow. Celebrating these victories, no matter how small sends a powerful message – that the rise of one woman is a triumph for all women. It's about creating a chain reaction, where each success story inspires a multitude of others.


In essence, championing other women in leadership is about being part of something greater than ourselves. It's about igniting a ripple effect of change, where integrity, empowerment, and mutual support are not just ideals but the very pillars of our professional ethos. This is how we not only survive but thrive in the corporate battlefield – not as lone warriors but as an unbreakable phalanx of women, rooted in grace, resilience, and unshakeable solidarity.


Uniting energies: Crafting a holistic approach to global leadership


As we delve into the heart of this leadership revolution, it's crucial to clarify a common misconception. This is not a movement that seeks to replace or diminish the value of masculinity and our male colleagues in the corporate realm. On the contrary, it's about harmonising the strengths of both feminine and masculine energies to forge a more dynamic, holistic form of leadership. This isn't about creating divides; it's about building bridges.


The narrative of 'Conjuring Change' is not anchored in gender exclusivity or in sidelining the contributions of men in leadership. Instead, it's a call for a collaborative effort, where the insights and strengths of all genders are not just acknowledged but celebrated and integrated. The goal is a unified approach to leadership that transcends traditional gender roles and brings about a more inclusive, well-rounded perspective.


We're talking about a convergence of energies that, when combined, create a leadership model that's more adaptable, empathetic, and effective. The masculine energy, often associated with assertiveness, decisiveness, and strength, complements the traditionally feminine qualities of empathy, intuition, and collaboration. Together, these energies foster a leadership style that is not only transformative but also deeply rooted in the welfare and safety of the global community.


Keep your eyes on the ripple


It's important to remember that being a leader is not merely about holding a position of power. It's a choice – a conscious decision about who we want to be to others during our time on this earth. Leadership, in its truest sense, is about positively impacting lives, creating environments where people can thrive, and contributing to the greater good. It's about understanding that our actions and decisions have far-reaching implications, not just within the confines of our organisations, but in the broader context of the global community.


This movement, therefore, is a call to action for all leaders, regardless of gender, to come together to create a global leadership ethos that radiates well-being, safety, and integrity. It's about recognising that the richness of our collective experiences, wisdom, and strengths is what will propel us toward a future where leadership is not just effective but also deeply humane and compassionate.


In essence, 'Conjuring Change' is about crafting a leadership tapestry that is vibrant with diverse threads, each contributing to a stronger, more resilient whole. It's a journey towards a leadership paradigm that values both the feminine and the masculine, understanding that it is in this balance that we find the true essence of impactful leadership.


As we stand at this crossroads, the question is no longer about whether women can lead. It's about how we can foster and harness this transformative energy to conjure a future where women leaders are not just part of the conversation but are leading it. This is the future of leadership – unapologetic, expansive, and unreservedly female.


You can spark your inner corporate rebel right now by downloading a free copy of the latest eWORKbook “The Corporate Rebel: Leading with Power & Grace” using the code BRAINZ100.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTubeand visit my website for more info!

Cherie Dorotich Brainz Magazine

Cherie Dorotich, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Cherie is a change maker bringing an innovative style of leadership development to women in influential roles. As an innovative professional at the intersection of leadership development and psychology, with over two decades of experience, she has masterfully integrated her clinical & leadership acumen creating a unique integrative approach that fosters amplified growth and sustainable change for individuals and organisations alike. Cherie's mission is to inspire individuals to transcend their boundaries, viewing themselves as dynamic agents of change with the capability to innovate, influence, and transform. She is unwavering in her commitment to ethically enhance the professional & personal lives of others.


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