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Get Out Of Your Head And Into Your Life

Written by: Georgina Hudson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Georgina Hudson

In our hectic pace of life, it's easy to get lost in our thoughts, our worries, and our plans, rarely stopping to truly inhabit the present moment. We're often so consumed by the pesky chatter in our minds that we forget to fully engage with the world around us. This disconnect between mind and body can have profound consequences on our well-being and our ability to live fulfilling lives. But it doesn't have to be this way. Let’s explore what happens when we get caught up in the rabbit hole of our head and how to step out and embrace our lives fully.

Person walking in the woods

Mindless living and its consequences


Living in our heads, constantly lost in thought, can take a toll on both our physical and mental health. Stress, anxiety, and depression often stem from an overactive mind because constant rumination and worry can trigger the body's stress response, leading to heightened levels of cortisol and adrenaline. This prolonged state of arousal can negatively impact mood regulation and cognitive function. What’s more, this state of mindlessness can hinder our creativity, as we become trapped in a cycle of repetitive thoughts, unable to break free and explore new ideas. When we're disconnected from our bodies and the present moment, we miss out on the richness of life's experiences, simply going through our tasks without truly experiencing them.


Living a short distance away from our bodies


Author James Joyce, in Dubliners, refers to his character, Mister Duffy, as living a short distance away from his own body. Mr. Duffy is emotionally detached, disembodied, and follows his routine strictly. Like Mister Duffy, I also lived a dissociated life for a long time. I worked, studied, did my errands, daydreamed, planned, and strategized a lot, all at the detriment of being connected to my body. This might also strike a chord with you as so many of us float through life in a semi-conscious state, barely aware of our physical sensations or surroundings. We're so busy with our thoughts and worries that we fail to fully engage with the present moment. Thus, we miss out on the beauty and wonder that surround us, living only half a life instead of rejoicing it in its entirety.

Trapped in our mental loops


Our minds are masterful storytellers, spinning tales of worry, doubt, and fear that keep us trapped in a cycle of negativity. When we're not grounded in the present moment, we're more susceptible to buying these lies, allowing them to dictate our actions and shape our reality. We become prisoners of our own minds, unable to break free from the mental loops that keep us stuck in place.

Imagine you have a presentation at work, and your mind starts spinning stories about how you will mess up, how your colleagues will judge you, and how your career will suffer. These thoughts might most likely cause you anxiety and self-doubt. Unless you actively pause, challenge these thoughts and ground yourself in the present moment, your mind will take over feeding worst case scenarios.

Strategies to step into our life fully


1. Immersive experiences outside our routine


Break the monotony of your routine by actively seeking out immersive experiences that challenge your perspective and engage your senses. This could include attending live performances, exploring new flavors at local restaurants, or embarking on adventurous weekend getaways. Take in every time you reconnect with your body. This will restore your inner peace, it will stimulate your mind and awaken your senses, and it will foster a deeper connection with the world around you.


2. Mindful physical activity

Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Instead of viewing exercise as a chore or a means to an end, approach it as an opportunity to fully inhabit your body and engage with the present moment. Whether it's going for a run in nature, practicing yoga, or participating in a group fitness class, pay attention to the sensations of movement, the rhythm of your breath, and the subtle nuances of your surroundings. By combining physical activity with mindful awareness, you'll not only enhance your physical health but also cultivate a deeper connection between mind and body.


3. Unplugged time for creativity


Set aside dedicated time each week to disconnect from technology and engage in creative pursuits that inspire and energize you. Whether it's painting, writing, gardening, or cooking, immerse yourself fully in activities that allow you to express yourself freely and tap into your innate creativity. Use this time as an opportunity to explore new ideas, experiment with different mediums, and connect with your inner passions. By carving out space for creative exploration, you'll break free from the confines of your analytical mind and tap into a deeper wellspring of inspiration and joy.


4. Challenge negative thought patterns

Start by identifying recurring negative thoughts and the underlying beliefs driving them. Once identified, see what physical sensations those thoughts stir. Breathe deeply to open up space inside you and challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions such as, "Is this thought based on fact or assumption?" or "What evidence do I have to support or refute this thought?" By actively challenging the lies perpetuated by a busy mind, you'll build resilience against stress and anxiety while fostering a more balanced and empowered mindset.

Achieving a more enriched life requires a proactive approach to stepping out of our heads and embracing the richness of our experiences. By seeking out immersive experiences, approaching physical activity with mindful awareness, and carving out time for creative exploration, we can cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. Let’s seize the opportunity to break free from mindless living and embrace the fullness of life because that’s the place where true fulfillment and richness await.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Georgina Hudson Brainz Magazine

Georgina Hudson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgina Hudson is a Transpersonal Therapist and Strategic Life Coach. She’s helped hundreds of clients move from stuck and insecure to unleashed and unfolded. Her unique method is infused with Eastern and Western Psychology, Transformational and Empowerment Coaching, Neuroscience and Mindfulness. Her mission: helping clients obtain results beyond their wildest imagination. Georgina has contributed to numerous prestigious publications and hosts her own podcast helping listeners to raise their consciousness about emotional wellbeing and guiding them to tap into their inner wisdom and infinite potential.


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