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How To Amplify Your Leadership Presence With The Help Of A Voice Coach

Written by: Lisa Hugo, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Lisa Hugo

From the stage to the boardroom, my journey as a professional singer and performer to a voice coach for executives has been quite the ride. It's fascinating how the techniques and skills I honed on stage translate so well into the corporate world, especially when it comes to communication and public speaking. Let me share a bit of that perspective, using a compelling example I often refer to in my coaching sessions.


Leadership voice coach concept

Back in 2002, a Stanford professor conducted an intriguing study with physicians' voices. Some of these doctors had faced malpractice lawsuits, while others hadn't. When she played content-filtered recordings of their voices to students, they could, based solely on voice intonation, identify which doctors had been sued. The sued ones sounded dominant and less empathetic, whereas the others came across as warmer and more engaged. This study beautifully illustrates how crucial voice intonation is in communication, far beyond the actual words spoken.


Audiences make very quick judgements about the authority and expertise of a leader or expert based on how they sound.


Voice as a leadership tool


As a professional singer and actress, every note and tone we produce is designed to evoke specific emotions and responses from the audience. We want our audience to come away having had a feeling. It’s important to be effective, be on point, to be able to move the audience whilst making it all appear effortless. These techniques that we learn in the world of theatre and stage are exactly what business leaders need to master. Speaking with ease and efficiency involves a blend of intonation, stress patterns, volume, and rhythm—elements that can significantly influence how a message is received.


Emotional engagement and vocal health


Tapping into emotions isn't just about enhancing the message; it's also about vocal health. Emotions directly affect how we sound, and by managing them, we can maintain a clear and compelling voice even under stress. Anxiety, for instance, can tighten muscles and restrict breath flow, raising the pitch and diminishing vocal quality. Recognizing and managing these changes can prevent misinterpretation by the audience.


The power of pitch


Pitch plays a critical role in how leaders are perceived. Lower-pitched voices often convey experience, authority, and trustworthiness, which can be particularly advantageous in leadership positions. In fact, a study was done in 2011 by the McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada to ascertain if voice influences voting behaviour. The results did indeed suggest that candidates' voice pitch has an important influence on voting behavior and that men with lower-pitched voices may have an advantage in political elections. Aside from this, having the control to manage pitch, especially under stress, can help maintain an air of authority and credibility.


Posture and breath


Just as in singing, physical posture and breathing techniques are foundational in speaking. In-fact, I would go so far as to say, that breathing is the foundation of all good speaking. An aligned posture and efficient breath flow not only enhances vocal production but also contributes to a speaker's presence and authority. A relaxed throat, supported by proper diaphragmatic breathing and correct postural alignment, can make a significant difference in vocal quality and endurance.


Vocal variety and authenticity


Effective communicators know how to play with their vocal tone, volume, melody and pace to keep the audience engaged, tell stories that come alive and convey confidence. Clear enunciation, strategic pauses, and a comfortable speaking pace can make the message easier to follow and absorb as well as making a greater impact. Moreover, having the skillset to match the vocal tone with the message's intent, all whilst remaining authentic and genuine, is crucial.


Breathing exercises for confidence


Breathing exercises not only support vocal quality but also help manage nerves and maintain emotional balance. A simple exercise like extended exhalations can reduce anxiety and promote a positive emotional state, preparing the speaker for a confident and compelling delivery.


In essence, the skills and techniques I've developed as a professional singer are incredibly applicable to the corporate world. Voice coaching for business leaders is not just about vocal training; it's about enhancing leadership presence, ensuring the voice aligns with the message, and influencing audiences positively.


Whether addressing a boardroom or a stadium, the principles of vocal performance can elevate communication to an art form, making every word count.


If you're intrigued by how vocal coaching could transform your communication style and elevate your leadership presence, I invite you to reach out. Let's explore how we can tailor these performance-based voice training techniques to suit your unique needs in the corporate arena. Schedule a call with our team today, and together, we'll unlock the full potential of your voice, turning every speaking opportunity into a performance that commands attention and drives results.


Don't let your message get lost in translation; ensure it resonates loud and clear. Reach out now, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Lisa Hugo Brainz Magazine

Lisa Hugo, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lisa Hugo, is a leader in the field of voice and communication as well as course creation and digital marketing. Having trained in performing arts, she spent a large part of her career on the stage as a singer/songwriter whilst also coaching the voices of up-and-coming singers. Now Lisa channels her performing experience into helping entrepreneurs, executives, and speakers to enhance their performance by unleashing the full power and potential of their voice. She is CEO of Audacia Marketing, and has helped 1000s of people around the world find their voices and confidence to grow their brand and share their message with the world.


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