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Unlock The Power Within – Leading Through Alignment

Written by: Laura Morrice, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Laura Morrice

In a world where energy pulses through every fibre of existence, we, as women, hold the key to harnessing its potential for a life of purpose and empowerment. It’s time to embark on a journey of self-discovery, understanding, and alignment with the profound energies that shape our reality.

Young woman with flowers on her arms

At the core of our being lies a profound truth: we are more than mere physical entities; we are channels of energy intricately connected to the vast universe. This realisation is the cornerstone of our empowerment journey. By delving into the depths of our being, we uncover the subtle energies that drive us, guide us, and ultimately define us.


The chakra system – The ultimate journey of self-discovery and alignment

Central to this exploration are the Chakras, ancient energy centres that serve as the conduits through which subtle energy flows within and around us. With roots dating back millennia, these sacred wheels of light offer us a roadmap to understanding our inner workings and achieving holistic balance.


Imagine our bodies as temples, with each Chakra serving as a sacred chamber, intricately linked to specific organs, glands, and aspects of our being. Our vitality flourishes when these energy centres are in harmonious alignment, and our potential knows no bounds. Yet, when blockages disrupt the free flow of energy, dis-ease sets in, manifesting as physical ailments or emotional turmoil.


Leading by example

Empowered leadership begins with cultivating a profound awareness of our energy landscape. By nurturing a deep connection with our Chakras and energetic bodies, we gain the insights needed to prevent imbalance and unlock our fullest potential. This ancient wisdom, rooted in the Vedas and other sacred texts, offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, guiding us toward a life of purpose and fulfillment.


Our journey extends beyond the physical realm into the vibrant tapestry of our aura—the electromagnetic field that envelops our being. Comprising seven distinct layers, each corresponding to our Chakras, our aura serves as the canvas upon which our life’s masterpiece unfolds. By tending to the subtle nuances of our energetic layers, we lay the foundation for vibrant health and profound transformation.


Your unique point of attraction

Yet, as we navigate the complexities of modern life, our energy can become mired in imbalance and stagnation. External influences, ancestral programming, and limiting beliefs conspire to obscure our true essence, leaving us feeling disconnected and adrift.


Each of us is a unique expression of divine creativity, endowed with the innate wisdom to navigate life’s ebbs and flows. By embarking on this journey of self-discovery, we honour our truth, embrace our potential, and pave the way for a future defined by purpose, passion and moral integrity.


So, to all the aspiring women leaders yearning to embrace their true essence and lead lives of profound impact, the time is now. Embrace the boundless potential that lies within, and let your light shine brightly for all the world to see.

“The most powerful source of energy is an individual who understands their alignment. The only thing between you and that internal power are the blockages you’ve picked up from life’s conditioning.”

Tool and techniques

But there is hope. By embracing practices that assist us in releasing and healing from these trauma blocks and nurturing our energetic well-being—such as energy alignment, meditation, yoga, and breathwork—we reclaim our power and restore balance to our chakras. Through the mindful integration of colour therapy, crystal healing, and other holistic modalities, we reawaken dormant energies and catalyse our evolution. One of my favourite power tools is visualisation. Follow the instructions below to begin connecting with your energy centres and raise your intuition;

Become aware of your chakra’s

For this exercise, you can sit or lie, whichever you prefer. Then, you will close your eyes and place your awareness on each Chakra, one at a time, beginning with your Root Chakra. Then, see and feel the corresponding colour in each area of the body.

Pay attention to how you feel; what thoughts and emotions come up? How does the colour appear in your mind’s eye? Too dull or muddy would indicate it’s blocked or spinning slowly; too bright means it’s over-stimulated.

Next, meditate on each one, seeing it and feeling it in its perfect alignment state. It’s ok if you don’t have a clear vision of this; your intention is the most critical part of all energy work. Then, let your intuition guide you as to what methods you would like to use to bring the Chakra back into a better state of balance. Have fun with this; play around! One of my favourite methods is to choose crystals for each Chakra, place them on the body and then go through each Chakra, absorbing the crystal’s energy for as long as it feels right while repeating an affirmation aligned with that Chakra’s purpose. 


Are you interested in unblocking your trauma to unlock your highest potential?

Then check out my new self-study course, A Beginners Guide to Chakras: A Journey of Self-Discovery (Release date 23rd March 2024), or my 1:1 Coaching Packages. Full information here. Subscribe now and receive two free downloads to begin your alignment journey, along with my monthly newsletter, to keep up with all my offers and other energy and mindset alignment tips.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Laura Morrice Brainz Magazine

Laura Morrice, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Laura, a gifted healer and mentor, is a beacon of hope for those seeking to unravel the mysteries of their inner selves. Her arcane expertise lies in unearthing the roots of trauma, conditioning, and self-limiting beliefs that permeate our subconscious, shaping our very essence. With over two decades of experience and mastery in the art of energy healing and mindset work, she is a trusted guide on the path of self-discovery. Using the chakra system, she leads seekers on a journey of profound awareness, culminating in the ultimate liberation of mind, body, and spirit. By finding alignment with one's truest self, the seat of internal power blossoms, unlocking the boundless potential within.


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